Monday, February 23, 2009

Part II~ Planting God's Word in the Hearts of Our Little Ones

I got a lot of great feedback from my previous entry, so I wanted to share some of the neat ways that fellow readers are teaching their little ones throughout the days.

In our house, I've tried to take time each night at bedtime (when kids are quiet and open to talk) to talk to the kids about the day. My oldest and I read a story from a devotion book, and read a scripture that's related. I pray with all the boys, thanking God for a good day, praying for protection and for friends. I have also chosen a scripture to teach the boys, printed it out and posted it on the boys' bathroom mirror, in their rooms and in the car. They can't all read, but one day they will...and when I see this verse I read it to them again and we talk about what it means. In the car is a great place to read these verses to the boys and talk about what they mean. I love verses on tape too, songs stick in their little hearts. I pray they will come back when the kids need the Word.

I got the boys their own Bibles, and I really love this version, it's the International Children's Version. I highly recommend.

So read on, I'm certainly going to try some of these ideas (check out the fun blogs too);

Psalm 119:11 (The Message)

9-16 How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I'm single-minded in pursuit of you;
don't let me miss the road signs you've posted.
I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart
so I won't sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;
train me in your ways of wise living.
I'll transfer to my lips
all the counsel that comes from your mouth;
I delight far more in what you tell me about living
than in gathering a pile of riches.
I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you,
I attentively watch how you've done it.
I relish everything you've told me of life,
I won't forget a word of it.

Will you share with me how you teach the Word to your little ones? The exciting thing, is that as we teach, we learn.


Readers Share;

I have began to start the day with a Bible Story... and before we read, we pray and ask Jesus to speak to each heart, and give them a picture to color. It's one of those idea's that was God inspired. I so want my kids to know His voice, and His word. And while I read the story they listen, and when Jesus gives them a picture, they are allowed to draw, color it, sculpt it with clay... My kids love it! My littlest, Twinkle, always reminds me to do it every morning!

Hugs.. Amy

We have done devotions with the kids many different ways over the years. Now that they are older I take joy in seeing some of them take to daily devotions and Bible reading themselves. Mandi is learning that her day goes so much better when she spends time in God's Word each morning. Jeff is my night time Bible reader. Many nights I find him with a flashlight under his covers reading the Bible. This brings joy to my heart.

For Christmas we bought the New Testament on CD. It is actually read by popular christian actors and singers that my kids are familiar with. So we try to listen as a family to a chapter or two several times a week. They love this and always beg for more. It has theatrical voices which makes it entertaining but yet it is strictly the word of God. I am so pleased with it. I hope they come out with the OT.

Thanks Amanda for posting this post. It is so important to direct little ones to God's Word and then so beautiful when they desire it themselves.~ Kristin Kuhlman

We too have done this differently. Bekah and I have a special devotional for girls that is amazing we do before Bed. Cade and I had a boy one we used to do, but haven't done much lately. He just loves reading his Bible. (It helps once they read, which your boys do, to let them have their own time with God too). As a family, Cory introduced this a few months ago - simple but perfect. After dinner, we go around the table and say one thing about the day that was our favorite thing and one thing that was challenging that we'd like the family to pray about. it's awesome. Simple but I truly have heard things from the kids that without this simple forum I never would have, and even though I thought I knew what to pray about, sometimes there were details in each person's day that I didn't know about that this allows us all to be aware of and praying for. Bekah never lets us forget this routine. Being the quieter second born, I don't think she finds it as easy to get her thoughts out there, but this is a way that gives her the undivided attention of the whole family. ] So good to have a Spiritual Leader in my home (like you do too with Ralph!) so I don't have to take on that burden. P.S. Both kids are always memorizing a verse which is posted on the fridge. We started memorizing His Word when Cade was about 2. I love Amy's idea - it's one we have done as well over the years. One of my favorite drawings ever is of Cory's after meditating on a verse. A friend of mine in town has an entire scrapbook of just these drawings her family has done over the years with the verse they were reading that inspired each drawing on each picture. it's beautiful! ~Julie Oneil

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. :)