Our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch was a hoot. Of course it always helps when a) we go on a cloudy, cool October afternoon and b) that afternoon is a weekday when all the rest of the kiddos are sitting at school so we can have the bounce house to ourselves for a good hour. Or should I say...the boys can have it & I can sit and chat with my mama, uninterrupted for a bit.
Then we were off to a quiet hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. We already had pumpkins at home and I didn't want to pay a gazillion $/pound so we just looked over all the neato varieties there and I spent time day dreaming about just what kind of pumpkins we'd be harvesting next year. You just watch. :) So take a good look in the photo above and see if you can find my littlest pumpkin, he's in there! If you click on the image you should be able to find him for sure.
Since we didn't need to find a pumpkin to buy and we had time until our hay ride left the station, we decided on a hunt for the ugliest/ most rotten pumpkin. Please take time to vote for the grossest pumpkin, in your humble opinions. The boys would like to know.
Nate's pumpkin is nicely adorned with some late in the season rot, with a bonus bug habitat inside.
Joey's specimen is a beautiful, ovalish puddle of goo, mold and slime-seeds.
Don't forget to vote. Children's votes count for two!! There is an easy vote box on the side bar to the right. :) Happy Weekend!
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