Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Things for which I am Thankful

bright mornings, boy kisses, kitchen scents, fresh-cut grass, long runs, jeans, friendships, photographs, bible, hot tea, autumn leaves, sunsets, jammies, good books, phone calls, family, slippers, date night, hot baths, schooltime, mom and dad, holidays, crock pot, soft carpet, 'for you' drawings, quiet evenings, board games, breakfast abundant, camping, puppy, sweet husband, lemon meringue, afternoon naps, quilts, staying home, toys everywhere, soft sheets, journaling, juniper, running shoes, girls' night out, a good wine. our only Hope, laughter, quiet minutes, my car, tradition


raelyn:)) said...

Hey thanks for commenting! You have alot of favorite things! I do too!

Yule {b}Log said...

Mmmm...I like those too.