I'm finding out quickly (as I would've guessed) that my boys learn very differently. Little Critter (like most PreK kiddos)is the kind of learner that likes to get his hands on the information to learn it.
(#845 I love to teach just three students in my very home, I get to cater to my boys' learning styles and paces).
So I've been exploring funky non-conventional tactile teaching ideas w/ Critter, and I'll share some of them with you in case you're doing this too...please share what you're doing!
Today we came up with a game of magnetic darts. We are, of course working on many levels, number recognition, counting and addition. The game really reinforced all these things and the kids aren't thinking "school" at all.
On that note, yesterday we had and early doctor appointment, then storytime at the library, by the time we had lunch and were settled in the boys wanted to be outside. I grabbed a pile of books and flashcards**, we had school in the tree house yesterday. Who knew school could be so fun. Certainly the most time I've spent up there in that house, and the whole experience got even better as we read a poem about all a child could see and imagine by climbing a up a cherry tree....we imagined we were in a cherry tree, looked over the fences into three yards and dreamed about life in someone else's yard.
*In need of a little preschool/home teaching inspiration? Head over to another mom's blog for just that.
So now you're finally getting a little blip...look at how and what we're doing for school. Outside of sharing that I'm really enjoying teaching and being with the boys, I think I haven't posted much. I've read some amazing blogs, mom's that post exactly what they do all week. NOT my style, but you'll get the adventurous hightlights throughout the year though.
I'm always asking folks if they've discovered some good books to teach from. My favorite discovery this year is Paddle to the Sea, by Holling Clancy Holling. This is a fun adventure we're following, a small boat made of wood who begins it's journey on the snow ready for thaw, and floats downstream into different territories, cultures & natural habitats. A very fun book for us with great illustrations. Do you have any great books to share? I'm looking for more great History and Geography resources (whether formal teaching or not)
Of course baking cookies was also on the agenda today...our sweet puppy got a bad reputation last week when he got up and gobbled up the dough I made while Ralph was gone. I was ready to sell the dog to the next stranger who passed on the road...but alas, his great running partnership saved him. I'm happy to have cookies now, I've eaten four already and the boys loved helping out- with the cooking and eating. They'll be fun to have for my book group tonight, I'm hosting.
*If you get a minute, hop over and look at my sweet friend Kristin's blog. Kristin has been through cancer, surgery, and a lot of stuff in the last several years. Kristin is currently having a lot of pain, and really needs prayer. She may have to have another surgery, please pray for healing and that her body will be well! It never fails to amaze me, how Kristin takes every hardship with a faith in Our Good God, that His plan outweighs our comfort at times. I pray for a faith like this.
**I found a really fun flashcard game to play with Scooter, helping him to memorize his addition and subtraction...look for it. Kind of think I got it at Walmart.
And yes, I promise my boys will be wearing clothes one of these days. What's so bad about half naked? (not that I'm subscribing)
Thank you so much for the link. I'm honored my post inspired you.
I haven't read the Holling books yet, but I've heard good things about them. For history, we really enjoy Ingri and Edgar D'Aulaire's biographies for children.
Clothes are highly overrated.:) ...on kids, of course...
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