Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kids at rest, and play

How can I NOT post this (edited) photo of Eli putting on jammy pants?

Eli; Captain Underpants who knows kick-butt karate.

Joey dreams of Prince Caspian...I can't believe he's reading this book! He tends to understand it better though when we read aloud. I can't miss any of the story anyhow! When we finish we get to see the movie. Any reviews?

Snuggy-buggies in a rug.
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1 comment:

The Daileys said...

I am loving all the sun-kissed precious faces of your sons! Re Prince Caspian: It is pretty violent for small kids so it is a parent call on whether or not your children can handle it. My hubby and I loved it but we will wait for it to come out on DVD before we sit and watch it with them. I have read the whole series to both kids as well and I have a feeling that my oldest will want to read it himself soon too. That is how I fell in love with it in my childhood. Way to go, Mommy!