My husband has returned! After a long week at home, just the four of us, Ralph got home last night. It was a long week this time, I am still pretty run down from that flu thing I had, and Nate got a roaring ear infection just hours after Ralph left town. Eli is working on four mean-old molars too, and he hasn't been particularly happy this week. Needless to say I was so happy to have Ralph home, more than anything, I just missed his company. Man, I like this man.
Fun for me, though; last Sunday night I hosted a girls' night in, jammy-pizza-chick-flick-conversation fest. 12 of my closest friends came to our place jammy-clad and ready to relax. We had a wonderful time, laughed over 13 to 30, and ate too much pizza and chocolate. Thank you my was wonderful. Wish I had photos (still NO camera.)
The boys started soccer this week, it was a great time for all. Practices are held on school grounds so that the boys that aren't kicking balls are kickin it on the playground, so fun for busy brothers. Today was a first game for Joe and Nate, they both were phenomenal. Nate is as fast as Flash (The Incredible's..a must see) and worked really well with a boy, Jaden to make several points. They even managed to use the right goal every time. Joe made a point, and Ralph said he is really working well to be part of the team, and running more than he has in awhile. I wasn't able to go to Joe's game, littler boys were snoozing. It was so fun, no matter the cold. I did borrow mom's camera for this, but I'll have to post photos later.
...and it is STILL cold. Thursday the kids were at the park and all managed to come home with a collection of perfectly new freckles, it was actually warm. But Friday it was back to snow showers. I can't wait for the sun. My sweet anenomies are blooming beautifully and gives cause for me to do the chore of putting more under the bark and soil next fall. I'd love to have one of those beautiful gardens you see on the cover of Sunset, but I'm thinking those gardens are not simply planted in a season, they are grown.
....and I do want a vegetable garden this year. We have a raised bed, but it doesn't really hold much. Ralph would like to do away with it entirely, but then we have to find a place to put a garden. The only likely out-of-the-way place is in the shade. I'll let you know what we decide.
All is calm and peaceful around here. Ralph and the boys are wrestling downstairs. Perhaps I should take advantage of this time.
Ah, the wait is on for warmer temps here as well... I bough a pair of flip flops in anticipation even. I would love raised vegetable beds, but that is slated for after the front and back porches and roof... the honey-do list is a little long right now *wink* Love soccer boys! Can't wait to see your mom's pics!
Score Nathan! Sounds like all is well on the boy-front. Last week,on our sunny day, Joaquin sampled both dirt and moss...decided neither tasted all that great. Glad Ralph is back...
Love to all of you
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