Wednesday, October 31, 2007


We had a fabulous time last night. The boys loved the trick-r-treat deal....and not only did they get candy, but they got GOOD candy. Our neighborhood, you see, is backed up to the canyon and a little dead-endish. So it's quiet. AND, we have a lot of folks in the area that've already raised their little ones and are happy to share- a lot! A grandma lady across the street gave each of the boys 6 candy bars! Lucky me!

Really, this sugar thing stinks! Grumpy, grumpy kids tonight, and they only had a few pieces. I'll be doing one a day, here on out. Overall, it was good fun!


The Daileys said...

So much fun! What a wonderful thing to live in a supportive neighborhood! Looks like they all had fun ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Moonlight Skittles!
This is a fun survey just to let you know my cartoon name would be grapefruit pj pants.