I'd love for you to come with me on a path of being intentional. Intentional in helping my boys fill their empty summer hours, living out the dream of actually doing some of those fun ideas I've pinned on Pinterest, and pursuing and nurturing their little hearts. Read more about it here.
This weeks' Platform(giving the kids a place to start independent play):
Inside: I'll set the stage for a puppet show...create a "stage" and bring in some stuffed animals.
Outside: buying dollar store or grocery store bouncy balls to leave in the backyard. Endless fun!
This Weeks' Play: Heading to the hobby shop to buy boxes to make these great little LEGO boxes.
This Weeks' Pursuit: Take and teach my boys thrift store shopping. Talk about prices of new shoes, toys, clothes vs. thrift store prices. Here's a cute article about 5 Things You Should Always Buy at a Thrift Store (Maybe we'll even find the boxes we need for LEGO Travel Boxes in our trips!
*My boys are 6, 8 & 10. If these activities are too advanced, switch them up so they work safely and sanely for your kiddos.