Monday, November 14, 2011

Life in Pictures~isn't it fun, Hil?

Outside my Window: 

Squirrel Nutkin loves my gourds.  I love their entertaining antics.

Capturing Autumn
(See that Orange Handled Garden Knife in the background?  That was birthday gift from my sweet sister.  I must tell you that I think every one should have a garden knife, it rocks.  The orange handle?  Important!  Thank you Hazel!)

Time to jump in leaf piles

Taking Time to feel the leaves...
Time to jump in leaf pilesTaking Time to feel the leaves...

And finding what every one of us looking for....
buried treasure!

A garden to dig holes in
I'm creating:

Lists of a few things to do.  A birthday party, a thanksgiving dinner?  Christmas Gifts, a few last school photo discs.

I am hoping:  again, for a peaceful, simple holiday season.  I'll tell you about my plans for simplifying soon.

From the Learning Rooms:

My heart is learning to love.  To love a little boy on another continent.  We are learning to think beyond our four walls and our prosperity.
  My heart is stretched all day.
When my boys have fever I wonder if Ishimwe has medicine when he is sick.
When we dig holes to play in I wonder if he ever dug a hole for play.
We pray for Ishimwe in his worn torn Africa daily.

Through Compassion, we're learning to love beyond ourselves.
It's so much more that a little cash sent each month.

 I am hearing:

clock tick,
feet shuffle upstairs,
my pillow calls...

I am thankful for:

Time.  My sweet folks have taken my two littlest home with them for a few days.  It leaves Joe with us to spend some sweet, quiet hours.  Today we went for a long walk to a downtown museum, then stopped in a soup shop for a bite.  School was quick and playful.  I'm loving these quiet hours.
I'm reading:

Les Miserable.  Well, I've begun.  I don't think I'll get through it before the book is due, but I've begun.
And I'm reading to the boys, afore mentioned books.  And The Bible, Mark just now.  And Discovering Jesus.  Good read.

I'm wearing:

The blue fleece in the photo above, jeans, slippers.

On the porch:

(the faces were eaten off these jack-o-lanterns not long after they were carved.  Squirrely~)

Get it?  Pumpkin "Pi?"  That's Joe's pumpkin.

I am going to:  
Enjoy this time I have with my sweet oldest boy.  And I am going to miss the two others, very much, very soon.  

One of my favorite things:

Tradition.  Every year we go to the pumpkin patch, and I love it.
Our three monkeys at the Pumpkin Patch

the big monkeys

my boys

Around the House:

Nika.  EVERYWHERE.  In 3 seconds flat.  What a racing princess.  This is HER chair.
Oh, and I need to choose a color for my nearly finished bedroom.  I'm wondering about  a dark color.  Any input?  Thoughts?  We do have 4 windows, on three sides of the house.  


Hilary said...

The most fun is hearing about your days, A! I've missed you!

Lynn said...

Love these pictures! I am reading in Mark right now as well.
