Monday, April 27, 2015

a new season

Maybe my favorite thing about being 40 is being more & more comfortable with me. I find that often I still think of what I should be doing or what I should choose but I really can't ignore who I am &
What I love so I choose just that. What freedom I have in choosing, too! 

As I've been assembling the colors for this new ripple blanket I've been thinking just that. How lovely it is to create something that I really love. To choose all that I really love.  P

Over the last week I have taken school lightly. Nate, Eli & I wrapped up CC classes about a month ago. I have been using that month to find our new rhythms & schedule. Joey wrapped up his courses & finals this last week so we took much of the week off to rest & play.
In the yard there is much to be done this time of year, of course. Ralph & I moved the chicken yard to expand their space. As I am determined not to have an ugly little chicken yard,  I did the research & put in some plants that will not be an issue for theme. I planted three white butterfly bushes and vet much look forward to seeing them come to life.  

The boys spent time outside too. They pulled out paint & began painting the treehouse, with small brushes & little paint this is a slow & detailed job. 

So a new week will take us into May. We'll plod on with some new vision for the finish of the school year & hope of the foster care license to come this month or next. We have dotted all the t's, as we can best know how, so we wait patiently. 

Have a lovely week, I hope to check in again soon! It's good for my heart! 💛