Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Invisible Tornado

This is what I want to know. I'm demanding a logical answer, so if I have any friends out there who are feeling logical (is that an oxymoron?) right now please feel free to respond with an answer that's going to make me sit back and say "Oh, that's why..."

My house has been hit by a tornado. Did I say tornado? I meant a tornado, hurricane and a three year old tsunami. But this is what I don't understand. HOW could my house look like thiswhen we haven't even been HOME.
We were in Portland for three days.
Then my in-laws came to visit (they stayed at a hotel far from the triple-storm effect) for 7 days. In those 7 days we were gone most of the time.
Two days later we went camping, for three days,
and yesterday we were invited to an excellent day at the local historic and nature museum...
that brings us to today.

I even took the time today (as I've been challenged to do some hard things) to assign each of my boys one bathroom to LEARN to clean with me. I snuggled up my boys to spend extra time with them first thing today. I've started on the mountain of laundry, helped to clean three bathrooms, successfully put my five year old on a bike minus training wheels for the first time all over (running next to him to be sure I could catch a crash), and now I'm typing this blog...and my house somehow looks worse.

Sometimes when people stare at me in the grocery with my three little storms circling around my cart they wonder aloud how I get my shopping done. "Simple, " I answer. "they are a tornado. As long as they don't touch down, they just keep moving and do no harm." I have to keep them moving. But at home...today...ohhh.

I'm going to go vacuum up some toys.


Yule {b}Log said...

I wonder the same thing...

Amanda said...

Bummer Jenny. I thought you knew....

I'll bet you're exhausted after yesterday, but know that it was worth it...thanks again!

Welcome! said...

Oh dear. Should we call in FEMA??

Karyn said...

Don't send the tornado my way...

cuz that will be too many touchdown's here in one month :)

Hilary said...

All I know is that our house looks that way sometimes, too, and we don't have any little tornados whirling around to add to the mess!